︎︎︎Critical Matter

20-23.02.2019 at Dyson Gallery, London
co-curated with Caroline Boseley and Lin Zhao

Critical Matter explored material conditions in the contemporary urban landscape. Its primary assumption was that meaning and matter are interwoven, and past and present are enmeshed with the residue of commercial processes. The temporality of natural phenomena and climate change place materials resources into a state of conceptual, symbolic and material flux.

Human intervention in the natural landscape is at the core of the participating artists’ practices. Our relationship with the environment is explored through the choice of everyday materials, deeply ingrained with the mark of the urban landscape. Separated from industrial processes, they were released from their traditional associations and are allowed to take on new meanings.

I was one of three curators involved in the development of the exhibition’s conceptual framework, its visual identity and collaboration with the participating artists on this gallery show.

Participating artists: Rosanna Dean, Victoria Mihatovic, Susie Olczak, Samuel Padfield.